I have a confession. When I found out that my sister was expecting another baby, I was throughly convinced that there was no way that I could love this other baby as much at my niece. I mean, how can my heart possibly have that much love and be multiplied by 2? And even when I heard that instead of another niece, we would be welcoming a beautiful baby boy to our family, I thought what am I going to do with this little boy?? Every single one of my doubts were completely washed away at first glance. My heart completely expanded times a thousand, and I could hardly sit still with joy and love! Meet my precious nephew, William Charles Bennett.
I was so happy that I was able to fly down to Florida Wednesday morning to meet Will so soon after his arrival to this world! I was able to stay through Saturday, and of course I tried to capture all this first minutes and moments with his little family! So many to share!
My mama swooped in first to give a little Nana love to Will!




Will, you are so loved and I hope there is not a day that goes by that you don’t feel loved by your whole family. Even your big sister, when she tries to boss you around, she still loves you!
by Rebecca Walker
Kellie - So Beautiful!! Congratulations on becoming an Aunt x2! =]
Janyce Spurlock - What a perfect Christmas gift! He is beautiful and Becca did a great job on the pictures. What a blessing, God bless this precious family. Love y.all
kamee - oh my goodness!!! these are so very sweet!! what a gift of imagery you have given your sister and her family!!!! so priceless!!!! i loved every single one!!! love you friend!!! merry christmas to the whole family!!!! xxx me
Megan - My favorite ones could be in the hospital when Blair is oblivious to the fact that there is a new little person in the room…..
These are fantastic! I am looking forward to my day to meet Will and hope it comes sooner than later!