On April 9, 2013, I learned a new texture, a new quality of emotions, a new person forever weaved into my being, into my heart. Never have I known love, never have I known that my heart could feel this much love from a single picture. Never will I ever be the same as we said YES, to a baby, perfectly made, perfectly chosen for us to parent, perfectly made in God’s eyes.
A few weeks ago, we said NO to adopting from South Korea. Actually, exactly one week before we said yes, I blogged about us saying NO… but God said YES, and laughed at me for trying to take control of our journey to start our family. Laughed because I could just hear Him say, “I’ve got this, remember?” But how quickly I forgot to let Him show us our baby. Like we said we would. We said we would trust His timing. And man, oh man, did he deliver.
So on April 9, 2013, we saw our son for the first time. We saw our son sitting, smiling, with the best cheeks anyone could ask for just waiting for me to kiss them!! Our amazing social worker, Stephanie, told us to “sleep on it,” like that would ever happen. Scott and I slept less than 2 hours. We stayed up staring at his picture, reading his profile, crying (well I was crying!) and asking, “is this really our baby? The one God has picked for us??” So we slept on it, and the next day we said YES! Yes to our son, YES to being a mama and daddy, YES to traveling to South Korea, YES to going on such an amazing adventure.
Since then, it was been such a crazy and emotional ride! Telling our family, telling our friends. We have just been wrapped in love from so many people, and we can feel it. And we are so thankful for it.
We are still unsure as when we will get to travel to get him, but it will be this year!! All the paperwork has been signed and delivered, so now we wait. Wait a little longer for the next step of paperwork, wait a little longer to get to travel, wait a little longer to hold my son. It will be hard, but it will make meeting him so much sweeter!!
Unfortunately, we cannot share his picture online, and that makes me so sad. I want everyone to fall in love with his face like we did! But for now, I will leave you with this!

I am going to be a mama!!!!!!!
by Rebecca Walker
Kellie - CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so incredibly happy for you my friend!!! I look forward to experiencing this wonderful adventure for your family through your heart!!
Judy Lea - Oh Rebecca I am so happy for you. Because of your steadfast faithfulness you can be sure this can truly be “a match made in heaven”! Your Mom and I will love talking about our new GRANDsons. Will pray the waiting time will go swiftly for you.
Nicole Evans - Becca I am so excited for you! I think about you everyday and can’t wait to meet your precious little man 😉 I love you
Kim Mauney - This makes my heart SO happy! HIs timing is perfect, and you’re son is, too… perfect for you! I can’t wait until the day that you can share his sweet face with the world so we can fall in love with the little man, too. Congratulations!
Cindy - This is one of the most beautifully written posts! Tears of joy for you!!!!! I will be praying your beautiful baby boy home.
Joey - Just started crying reading this! So excited for y’all and I know you will be an amazing mama!!!
Bettye G. Stone - Rebecca, I am so very happy for you and Scott! And the rest of your family. God knew where to give this baby boy a home – one so full of love that he will flourish all his life.
Y’all are all in our prayers that the time will go swiftly.
Kristie Davis - Rebecca, I was just thinking about you earlier today and wondering how your adoption journey was going. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. May the last days remaining in the wait for your baby to be in your arms be short and sweet.
Brooke Kelly - Bursting at the seems excited for you. Congratulations little mama!!!!
Hannah S Tackett - Jason and I are soooo thrilled for you!! What an amazing blessing! I am sure you will be an unbelievably amazing mother!!!!! We wish you all the best and nothing but love and light on your journey!!!
Mandy - YAY!!! Congratulations Rebecca, so happy for you!
Andrea jones - I am so excited for you and your family. You will be such a wonderful mother and can’t wait to see your precious son. Congratulations!
Megan - Could barely make it through this post! I felt like you were telling me all I over again….I couldn’t be happier if he was coming home to me! Let me repeat….I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET HIM!!!
Desria Seay - I’m sooo sooo overjoyed for you!!! I’ve been quietly hoping and praying for you all. Congrats to you all!!!
Lenise Moore - Rebecca,
Our Lord is mighty!!! Praise The Lord for his beautiful work in your life, right now, and for you and Scott for being so available to His will for you and your precious little one!! I am so very happy for you!! I continue to pray.
Lori Reynolds - Needless to say, I am so happy for the both of you, no, all three of you! I am crying so hard, all I can say is GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME! Your lives will be forever blessed your sweet son!
Nancy Irby - Becca, we are Brad’s parents and so pleased for you and Scott. It was wonderful news and we are very excited for both of your families as well. May God continue to bless you both as you wait for your little one. We have been praying for you all and will continue to do so. Again, great news.
Bethany Ann - YAY!!! Congratulations Rebecca!!! What fantastic news.
Renee Odil - I was looking at what photos were up from Carly’s wedding Sunday and saw that you had an announcement. When I started reading I was feeling a little like one of those people that know things before they happen. When I ask you what you were doing now, I said that you would have more time to be home to be a moma to your baby. I can’t say why I said it. When I looked at you as you were telling me about your work I saw you as a mother. I know that God has a plan for your precious family. I’m so happy for you and being a mother will bring so much joy into your life like something you’ve never had. This is the most exciting news, Congratulations!!!!
Alyson Atchley - I am so happy for you! I know exactly how you feel! I remember when I saw Charley’s sweet face for the first time. It was love at first sight! I still have that picture of her framed in her room. Enjoy every moment of this journey. It will be your son’s story and he will want to hear it often. Charley talks about China every single day and she loves to hear how God gave her to us and all about her mommy and daddy traveling to China to bring her home. It just makes my heart smile to think about all the happiness and love you are going to experience with your son. There are just no words adequate to describe the way you will feel when you hold him for the first time. I will keep you in my prayers and I can’t wait to see pictures of you with him when you all become a forever family!!! Congratulations!!!
Kimberly - So happy for you! I know your struggles as wanting to be a parent and I know this is such a awesome blessing to receive!! May God continue to bless you and your future family to be
Texture Tuesday | A Texture of Gratitude » Rebecca Walker Photography - […] prayed and rejoiced with us as we shared our exciting news of being matched with our sweet son last week. I have truly been overwhelmed, WE have been truly overwhelmed at the overflowing amount of […]
Natasha - I just got the chance to sit down and read this post and it made me SO happy to see your dreams coming true!!! Becca, you will be an incredible mother (there is no doubt of that) and I wish you and Scott nothing but the best in this new adventure and all the fun that is surely to come from bringing that sweet baby home in your arms…praying for you sweetie!! OXOX