Our third month! By this point, I truly couldn’t remember what life was like before this little guy came home! What did we do with all our time? Goodness gracious we love our boy and truly love getting to see is personality shine through! This month we had several firsts! He started saying DaDa and Mama! Like really saying it, and using to get our attention! He had new words like Nana, Papa, Gigi, Honk Honk (this boy loves cars!!), pop (as in a waffle goes POP from the toaster), and more and more his verbal understanding was growing! This boy loves to read so that has been our time to learn new words. It is so remarkable to watch his little mind work, absorb, and grow. Makes me miss teaching… just a little bit! More of his firsts, we had more playdates, went to the lake for the first time (this mama’s heart was a nervous wreck!!!), *I* got to go out for the first night with my dear girl friends, we had our first round of sickness, I finally got to really experience my first Mother’s Day, and we got to have OUR turn in front of the camera for family pictures!! More on our first family session on another Texture Tuesday coming soon
Take a look at our third month!
Family time outside, playing, laughing, and silliness!

And the sickness came… and lasted way to long…

There it is! An amazingly fun month! This summer of June and July has just flown by with lots of trips and visits to share, so come back to see what we have been up to and watch our little man grow and learn!
by Rebecca Walker