What a month September was! So many things happened last month that made it go by unbelievable fast. So just a quick recap of a few of the highlights! We closed on our new house, and the next day we had a contract on our old. I turned 30! So glad to be in this new phase! The twenties were fun, but beyond excited for the thirties! And last weekend I ran and completed my 2nd half marathon. In between all those big events, I had several amazing family, senior, and maternity sessions, met with some awesome 2014 brides, had several dates with friends, had a few incredible birthday celebrations, and got to see my sister! SO overall a busy, exciting month!
But with this month, my strength has been tested once again. I have always felt that I am a believer of hope. For whatever the situation, I try to think the best, try to think positive, try to stay on the side of hope. This month my hope and my faith and my strength were weak. While I was running last Saturday in the Women’s Half Marathon (a hilly, beast of a race), I was struggling with strength, struggling with doubt, with exhaustion. During the run, I really got a chance to think and it was thinking about the marathon that we are in our adoption journey. I kind of feel like we have been stuck in those last 3 miles of the race. That final stretch, when you know you are almost done, but you still have such a long way to go. And just about that time, that moment when all I wanted to do is walk, catch my breathe, to quit. I noticed this woman, this other runner ahead of me. And I read her shirt on the back. It said “You were born with the strength to live this life.”
Read that again. “You were BORN with the STRENGTH to LIVE this life.” I haven’t been able to get that quote out of my head. I was born, shaped, made with intention, made with the might, determination, toughness to walk this earth, to have life, to love life! Oh, has it been a tough road. A long journey and we aren’t done yet, we are still in the last three miles of this race. The last long stretch. But thankfully, I have amazing friends around me that remind me of this:
“Whenever we begin to feel as if we can no longer go on, HOPE whispers in our ear to remind us that we are STRONG.” –Robert M. Hensel

Happy Tuesday y’all! Remember, we are strong, and we have the strength to live this life.
by Rebecca Walker
Molly - Oh, what a perfect quote that is! Absolutely needed to hear it today. Proud of you, friend!!
damara - Love this. Thank you for speaking the beautiful truth into our lives today…so needed.