A few of weeks ago, I had the amazing opportunity to donate some of my time and photography to our AH-mazing adoption agency, Heaven Sent Children. Our ever fabulous Social Worker, Stephanie, said they were looking for some fresh pictures to use on their website, Facebook, and printed materials. I was so glad that I was able to help them out. So one morning, a few weeks ago, 9 kiddos and their families all came over to my backyard for some pictures! It was such a fun morning, but I sure needed a nap afterwards! It was so fun meeting all of these great families that have started and grown their families through adoption. It made me so happy and excited! It was great connecting with other adoptive families, and I was so happy that I could be able to do this for them! So today, I just wanted to share some of these families that I got to meet, some amazing parents and their kiddos, all connect by Heaven Sent Children! Happy Tuesday!

by Rebecca Walker
Sarah - Beautiful images of beautiful love!! I so enjoyed looking at these! Thanks for sharing!