I love when I get to go glimpse onto a journey with my clients. Drawn into their story, their hope, their love. It is my favorite part. I was so fortunate to meet this sweet family at such a turning point in my life. We shared several of the same struggles and longing to become mama’s! While our journeys look quite different, so much of it was so similar. The same feeling of shame, the same feeling of denial, the same feeling of continuous disappointment, the same feeling of frustration and grief. But we also share a renewed hope, stronger relationship with our husbands, stronger faith because of our journey. So when I got the opportunity to meet their precious gift, their perfect little miracle, their lovely daughter, Madeleine, my heart melted for them. It rejoiced with joy, love, and thankfulness as I watched them cherish this gift. Moments like this, sessions like this, make me so thankful that I have found this gift of photography. That I can make these memories last generations. That love, that joy, those moments, this is why I do this.
If you would like to see more of Joe and Catherine’s story, journey, and struggle to bring this amazing girl into the word, check out their story here! And now, check out this sweet family of three!

by Rebecca Walker