I say this so often! One of the best things about being a “grown up” (adult just sounds so boring…) is that I get to choose who my friends are. Not only choose my friends, but I get to decide who I want to get my time, love, encouragement, and fun with. Now I don’t say this to sound snotty… not at all! But what I mean is that I have known a lot of people to come in and out of my life. All for a purpose, all for a reason. And for that, I am so thankful! Truly! But now that I am quickly approaching my 30s I have realized that I have some friends that I truly value and put forth great effort to maintain those friendships, those relationships, and they return that effort!
And if we get all serious, it does take quite a bit of work to keep a relationship strong, and it has to be both sided. I am one of those people that I have to surround myself with encouraging, positive people. Now I know that no one can be that 100% of the time, nor do I except my friends to do that! But I do need my People to be supportive, love quality time, give and like to receive words of affirmation. Those friends, those are my favorite
I have been so fortunate in my lifetime to have several different groups of friends! All that I love dearly, and have so much respect for. Today, I want to talk about this newer group of friends. A group that I am not sure why it took us so long to finally meet up all together, but happy all the same! They make me laugh nearly daily and are so encouraging to one another. Let me introduce my Photog Girls! Sara, Wendy, and Chesley!! Words cannot express how much I love and value these girls. We all have the same love for photography and love for our clients and love for each other. We have the same humor, love us some group text messages, and even our husbands all get along! As this “season” of craziness in all of our businesses has begun, I love that we will still chat, message, call, lunch, and play every chance that we can. Means the world to me! So here are one of my groups, one of my support teams, just some of my friends that I am so thankful for!

(Please excuse the poor quality of this images! When the photogs are in the picture we have to rely on husbands, children, and bartenders to take our picture!)
So thankful for these three girls. For their laughter, support, humor, help, reassurance, encouragement, love and hugs. They mean so much to me! With a little help from my friends, we will make it in this crazy photography world.
by Rebecca Walker