I cannot believe it has been our 6th month HOME with our little guy!! You know that saying, “The days are long, but the years are short?” That couldn’t be more true, but for us, insert months. This month might be my favorite yet!! Davis started the Parents’ Day Out program at our church two days a week. It has been so great for both of us! For him to get time with kids his age, and learn to trust another adult outside of our family. He is learning more new words everyday, doing great potty training, even at school, and learning so much in just one month! It is great for me, because I have had some time “off” to work, workout, and get some time with my friends. It has been so great for all of us!
Davis is talking so much more now! He will repeat just about anything that we ask him to say. He is asking for things that he wants or if he needs help by saying, “More please” or “Help me please.” The best thing we started saying this month is “wuv you!” Melt my heart! It doesn’t surprise me though, because I only say it 100 times a day to him! We are up close to 100 words now, which he uses…all.the.time. So there are not many quiet moments in our home anymore! And I love it that way! Take a look at our pictures from this month!
We got to see our friend, Davis a couple of times this month! They recognize each other and they are so cute holding hands when they walk!
Finally got this boy to try some ice cream! Mister picky doesn’t really like sweets (except for Reese’s Pieces!)
We had a family day on the lake, and “Captain” Davis got to help steer the boat. Watch out for us on Center Hill.
First Day of PDO! I didn’t quite know what to do with myself when he isn’t home that first week, but I got used to it pretty quick
Our little guy is BUSY, so we are on the go constantly to try to wear him out! From the park, to swimming, to running around our house!
But every now and then he will just be content to sit and read. I hope he always loves this. It’s one of his mama’s favorite things.
We took a little day trip to East Tennessee to see our family! Davis did so good on this little road trip!
Sickness strikes again with a nasty cough. Thankful for great doctors and fast working medicine! Plus we ventured on our first solo (without Daddy) plane trip! We survived, but I needed a nap once we landed.
Cousin time fun once we got to FL!! Loved watching these three play and play!! Cannot wait till next time!
The plane ride home was *much* better than the trip down! Yay!!
We went to the Wilson County Fair! Davis really liked chicken on a stick and a spiral spud! But the crowds and being in his stroller for a longer period was not his favorite! Next year will be better when he can do more rides!
Much needed day date with my favorite photographers!
Our first art work from school!
And we went out with our friends’ the Orths to eat Korean! We are hoping that next time we go to Korea, we wont be quite as intimidated by the food and lack of descriptions on the menus! Their Davis LOVES Korean food

Our Davis loves rice… and that is about all he would eat.
This year is our first year, without season tickets for the Vols since we got out of college. While we missed being on campus and seeing our team play, it was pretty nice being home with our little guy instead! Wouldn’t trade being HOME with him for anything in the world!
by Rebecca Walker