I cannot believe that today is the last day of February! I feel like this winter has really flown by, and I will be honest, I am sooo thankful that is has! I am dreaming of green grass, flowers, and blue skies that comes with spring! Also with spring, RWP kicks off it’s wedding season! March 9 is a wedding I have been so looking forward to ever since I met Lindsey last year! We got along so well in our first meeting, and I have loved getting to be apart of all her planning and excitement as her wedding day approaches. This is one part that I love about weddings! I love getting to hear the excitement, see the details, and get to know my bride and grooms before their wedding. It makes it even more special for me to capture it all coming together on their big day.
You have seen me say it before! I love happy couples in LOVE, and Lindsey and Brandon were no different! We met at Ellington Ag Center one afternoon, and it was so fun to witness the love and excitement that they have for each other! It was simply amazing! So here is their engagement session to help everyone dream of warmer days to come!

Just you wait to you see her bridal session!!! She is amazingly beautiful! Look for it later in March!!! Can’t believe in just 9 days these two will be Mr. & Mrs
by Rebecca Walker