“The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead.”
— Marjorie Pay Hinckley
Oh how I need to tattoo this saying across my forehead right now! Except that I do not like pain… or needles… so a tattoo will not happen. Instead, I will stick to sticky notes. “Waiting” is a word that I feel like I have been saying over and over for the last couple of weeks. “Waiting” is now apart of my texture. It is such a predominate layer, I can feel it weaved into every layer of my being right now.
Since we announced to the world that we have decided to adopt to start our family, we have been in a tizzy filling out paperwork, interviews, physicals, background checks, and education. All of that has been overwhelming, but now that is completed, we have moved on to the hard phase, the indefinite phase, the “Waiting” phase.

My amazing sister sent me the sweetest care package in the mail last week, and with it, this great necklace. It is perfect! The word and the baby feet! I love me some baby toes. This will help remind me that while we are in this “waiting” phase, I can focus on my relationship with God, Scott, my family, my friends, and myself. All of these things have been a bit neglected over the past few years. And while we wait, I can think of our amazing child, that God has pick out for us to parent. I can be thankful for this waiting time. Be thankful for this liberating feeling of being totally out of control, and knowing that God IS in control. Now THAT makes “waiting” not so scary, not so overwhelming, and not so indefinite.
Another thing that I can be so thankful for is a great group of friends that are forcing me to be in front of the camera and document this period of “waiting.” I will be sharing these amazing pictures taken by Wendy, Sara, and Chesley throughout the next few Texture Tuesdays! For now, just sharing this one, to show we are officially in the “waiting” process! And so excited to be here! So here is to enjoying life! A song that I have been listening to often to help through this “waiting” period, is the ever fabulous Mumford and Sons! Their song “I will wait” seems to be speaking to my heart… amazing how music can do that!
“So I’ll be bold
As well as strong
And use my head alongside my heart
So tame my flesh
And fix my eyes
That tethered mind free from the lies
But I’ll kneel down
Wait for now
I’ll kneel down
Know my ground
Raise my hands
Paint my spirit gold
And bow my head
Keep my heart slow
Cause I will wait, I will wait for you”
Oh how excited we are to meet Baby Walker!
by Rebecca Walker
Bethany Ann - Oh, I love their outfits! Such yummy light & photos!!
Megan - These are gorgeous! Tasha and Brad are the cutest….