texture: the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance
Synonym – feel, appearance, finish, quality, consistency, weave
To me, texture can mean so many different things. The touch, the look, the feel, layers, depth of something. When I started looking deeper into the definition of texture some key words really stood out to me.
quality, consistency, weave, feel
So this introduces a new idea. Called Texture Tuesday. This is where each Tuesday (getting all ambitious here!) I get down to the core of what makes me, me. Y’all will get to know ME a little better. My thoughts, my loves, my dreams, my feelings, my fears. Sometime, I might be stuck in a rut, sometimes it may not be that exciting. But what life is exciting all the time? But you will learn some interesting and not so interesting things about me, like my great aversion of mashed potatoes (now that is the grossest texture!) to childhood memories to all things on our adoption journey to learning my faults like that I am the worst speller. So here is to 2013! A year of new beginnings, new journeys, and a year with lots of texture!
I hope that you will join me to dive a little deeper, and have a little fun along the way! For today, here is one of my favorite textures
My sweet, anxious, cuddly puppy, Toby!
(Toby does not like his picture taken… So most of my picture of him look like this…)
(unless I say “Treat” then for a split second he looks at me sweetly!)
Thanks for joining me on my first week of Texture Tuesday! Come back every Tuesday for more
I promise it will not be my precious Pup every week! All though, he will probably make a reappearance.
by Rebecca Walker