In the last 15 days of 2013 so much has happened. I don’t know what it is about a new year that makes me feel like I can conquer the world. It feels like there is more hope, more life, more optimism. 2013 is it. The end of 2012 was supposed to be the year of simplicity… well I don’t know if I achieved that. I did in a sense, by taking time to run more, working less, and spending more time with my husband, friends, and family. But 2012 ended in a complete whirlwind! Who are we kidding, the last 3 years have been a confusing and hard path. Let me explain.
We have always wanted a family. Always. Throughout our relationship (Scott and I have been together 10 years now!), we always spoke of what our family would look like, how many kids, how far a part, boys or girls or one of each. We had the best time talking about the future, the potential, the excitement of a child, the busyness that it will bring, the love that we will feel. I could go on and on at the longing to be a parent. After we were married just about a year and a half, we decided we were ready. Ready to grow our family. Ready for our hearts to grow and expand to love another person far more than we thought was possible. After a difficult year of no success, we started getting some fertility help. We got pregnant right away. Immediately, we could not contain our excitement. We started talking about how we would tell our family, talking names, picking nursery colors! We were overjoyed at the possibilities. However, just one week later, we lost our baby. Within 13 months, we had 3 miscarriages. It is hard to describe the loss, the grief, the emptiness we both felt. After the third loss, we decided to go to an expert to find out if there was a simple explanation to why this continued to happen. There wasn’t a simple explanation. I have a disease that causes infertility and early miscarriages. Wow, was that hard to hear, and after trying for another 6 months, we stepped back, cried, breathed, prayed, I ran (a lot!), and prayed some more. Asking God to show us what he wanted our family to look like, to quit focusing on what WE wanted our family to look like. At that moment we listened, and we realized that there is a far better plan for us. His plan and now our plan looks the same. We want to adopt. We want to change our lives in such an amazing way, and we cannot wait to see what it looks like. I am the type of person that once my heart commits to something, I am in, like all in. I might have a lot of faults, but God’s greatest gift that He gave me is the ability to love, the ability to care with my whole heart. And that is just what I will do for this baby. Not flesh or my flesh, or bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. I truly believe that to the core. It doesn’t matter what our family looks like, it is OUR family, and it will be remarkable.

(please don’t judge these pictures! Timer, tripod, at 7:00am and taken in about 4 minutes!)
We have been working for an AMAZING adoption agency out of Murfreesboro, TN called Heaven Sent Children. Stephanie has been such a blessing as she has walked us step by step through this process. She has been optimistic, encouraging, and excited to be apart of our journey. We are excited about this journey.
We have been getting a TON of questions about our process. But the main questions is how long or when, and we have no idea. It could be 2 months to 2 years. We are looking at both domestic adoption and looking into adopting through Korea. When it comes to which, we are very torn. Neither me or Scott have a strong pull either way, so we are just waiting. Waiting to see what comes across our path, and hoping when it does come, we will find our answer, find our heart. Either our heart lies inside an amazing, selfless birth mom or a sweet angel waiting across the world. We are excited! Waiting with great anticipation. Praying for patiences as we wait a little longer for our family to start.

Scott and I are completely blown away at the love and support of our family and friends. We have shed so many tears, but now we are shedding tears of joy as we start this journey of anticipation and joy. We potentially have a long road ahead of us. We are so thankful for the support of everyone around us as we are on this journey of faith, hope, and love!

by Rebecca Walker
sara rose - tears!!!! I am so happy for y’all!! love you a whole whole bunch. I will be right there beside you on your journey of faith, hope & love!! xoxoxoxo
Kellie - I am so excited for you and what your future holds! My heart aches for the pain you have endured, but I can feel the healing in the words you have typed here. Much love to you and I look forward to hearing more about your adoption adventure!! <3
Joey Ingram - So excited for you and Scott, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers! Love you!
Kendra - Ahhh!!!
Sooo excited for you guys!!

chesley - love you sweet friend! i am beyond excited for you both, and cannot wait to watch your story unfold! so happy to have a front row seat :)!! i have been so blessed by you, and cannot wait to watch how you bless a sweet child!! praying this path is short and full of joy!!
Kelsey Graves - Congrats Becca!!! That is such exciting news. My Samford friend just went through the process and they are meeting their new daughter TODAY in Columbia and taking her home in the next couple weeks! Thought you might want to read some of their journey: http://journey-of-hope.com/2013/01/were-here/
So happy for you guys!!!
Mandy Whitley - So happy for you!!
Lori Reynolds - I am beyond words! What I can say is that you all are two beautiful, caring hearts that melded together to begin a family. Now you are well on your way to adding to that family! What a blessing!
Hang on, Sweeties! You all are beginning a wonderful, exciting, crazy, loving journey! You are in our prayers! I can’t wait to meet the special angel that God will put in your love and care!
Summer - What wonderful news!!!! Congratulations!!
Amber Housley - Praying for you as you start this journey! Congratulations on that little one who is on its way…
Gina - Rebecca I’m a friend of Tasha’s and have been keeping up with you and Scott through her. I can not tell you how happy I am for you two! What a wonderful journey you guys are taking and oh how lucky this child will be!
Alyson Atchley - I am so happy for you all!!!! Adoption is near and dear to my heart, of course. My little Asian angel is my world! She is the love of my life and I cannot even begin to imagine my life without her sweet little face in it. I will be glad to help you if you need anything. We had a long and winding 12 year journey ourselves. We suffered two miscarriages and waited 5 years on Charley. I wouldn’t change a thing because it all led me to my sweet baby girl. I will be praying for you all. This is just so exciting!!!!
Amanda Bingham - Thank you so much for sharing! You know you have my prayers for wisdom and for God’s perfect will to be manifest in your lives! If you ever have any thing specific you would like prayer for please let me know. I really enjoy your blog and love your family; even though I have only really known Susan and Greg. Thank you again and may God guide your steps and give you peace!
Megan Hutto - We are so thrilled to see the child that God has picked especially for the beautiful Walker family! This is going to be SO, SO exciting!
Cindy - I am so excited to hear your news! Mom shared it with me the other day. She couldn’t wait to tell me! Get ready because you are getting ready to have an amazing journey. I know this chosen little one will bring so much joy to your precious family. I am excited about following your story. Adoption Rocks!!!!! You will be blessed beyond belief!
Lauren Crotzer - We are so excited for you! David and I will be praying for you and Scott and can’t wait to see God’s plan for you unfold!
Sarah - Rebecca, I’m a friend of Tasha’s and she may have told you about me. I live in Lebanon and have adopted 2 beautiful boys both domestically. I am so glad we chose to adopt domestically. One was born in Lebanon and one in Nashville! I was there for both births and even cut my second child’s umbilical cord. I would love to talk to you and share my story about my amazing miracles. Just ask tasha for my number! I
Aletha Means - Congratulations! God chose David and me to be Ryan’s parents 14 yrs ago. He is a precious gift from God. Trust him. He doesn’t make mistakes. You will love this child to the moon and back. We will be praying for you guys!
Caroline Kaeser - How exciting!!! You two are in my thoughts and prayers. Bring on the happiness and joy!
Lauren - You will be shooting a friend’s wedding that I am in at the end of April. She sent me the link to your blog. I just wanted to send you a note of encouragement. Adoption has been an amazing journey for my husband and I. We were officially matched with our birth parents last April, after officially becoming a “waiting family” in October of the previous year. Our son was born at the beginning of September and we should be finalizing it within the next few weeks! Despite all of the bumps along the way in creating our family, I could not be more thankful that God had plans for this little boy (who is sleeping on my chest at the moment) to be our son. If I was able to go back to change anything, I wouldn’t. He is the perfect START to our little family! Best of luck to you and your husband. I hope that you will soon be sharing in the exact same feelings of joy and excitement!
Kelley - Stopping by from Kelly’s Korner. LOVED this post, and love “meeting” a fellow southern-girl and soon to be adoptive mommy! (I am from SC) My husband and I recently adopted a little girl through Bethany Christian Services. She is actually 18 months old now, but I can’t convince myself that it has been that long! Just wanted to offer you a little encouragement and say “hi”. Feel free to stop by my blog if you want to read our story (click on the “Kate’s Story” tab at the top of the page). Can’t wait to follow your journey!
Jennie Peakin - Praying for you. I found your website linked on Kelly’s Korner. We adopted a little boy domestically through Bethany Christian Services 6 years ago. I remember the waiting process like it was yesterday! We have since adopted 2 more through foster care. Blessings to you…what an exciting time!!!
Lebanon & Nashville, TN Lifestyle Photographer | Texture Tuesday » Rebecca Walker Photography - […] this year, this is my dream. Just incase you missed the earlier blog post HERE we are in the adoption process! We couldn’t be happier to be starting on this journey to […]
Alicia - Rebecca!! I am catching up on your blog and this is my first time seeing this post. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What exciting news! I am so sorry for your hard journey getting here but I have no doubts when you hold your sweet baby it will all be worth it:)
Rebecca Walker - Thank you so much Alicia!! We are super excited about our journey!